Enroll in the Court sponsored ECF training and master the skills needed to file documents electronically. The Court offers training on Electronic Case Filing through three delivery options. Select the delivery option that is just right for you.

If you prefer a classroom environment that includes an instructor, select Classroom Instructor-Led Training (CIT). Click on the course name to view the description and training schedule for that course. If you are representing yourself (pro se - without an attorney) and you will be requesting permission to file electronically using the CM/ECF system, we recommend that you take the Classroom Instructor-Led Training. After you have completed the class, attach your completion certificate to your Motion for Permission for Electronic Case Filing.

If you prefer independent self-paced learning, select the Web-Based Tutorials (WBT). The Web-Based Tutorials may be viewed through any internet browser. If you are representing yourself (pro se - without an attorney) and you are not able to attend the Classroom Instructor-Led Training (CIT) please indicate on your Motion for Permission for Electronic Case Filing that you used the Web-Based Tutorial method.

The clerk's office has created videos listed under the "ECF On-line Learning" section and manuals listed under the "ECF Training Documents" section that are posted on the right-side of this page.

Classroom Instructor-Led Training (CIT)
CM/ECF Sealed Filings in Unsealed Civil and Miscellaneous Cases

To view training dates for this course, click the Schedule button, Click on the course materials icon, to view document.

To enroll now, click the enroll icon.

Duration Course
30 Minutes Yes

Learn how to file sealed filings in unsealed civil and miscellaneous cases.

The filing users will learn:

  • Who may file under seal.
  • An overview of filing under seal. 
  • The different viewing levels for sealed filings.
    • Selected Parties
    • Ex-Parte
  • Redactions
  • Exceptions
  • How to correct filing errors.